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Symposium on Neuropathic Pain organized in PGIMER

February 02, 2023 07:18 AM

Darpan News Service

Chandigarh, 01 February: The Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, PGIMER, Chandigarh under aegis of Indian Society for The Study of Pain (ISSP) city branch along with two international distinguished pain physicians and PGI alumini Dr. Sanjeeva Gupta, from Bradford, UK and Dr Joysree Subramanian from Oklahoma, USA organized a Symposium on Neuropathic Pain in LT-1, PGIMER today ie 01-02-2023.
The symposium was inaugurated by Prof. Vivek Lal, Director, PGIMER. Prof Y Narayanan, Head, Deptt of Anaesthesia and intensive care and other senior faculty members and resident doctors from other departments were present on the occasion.Prof. Vipin Kaushal, Head, Deptt of Hospital Administration, Sh. Kumar Gaurav Dhawan,DDA and Sh. Kumar Abhay, Financial Advisor, PGI were also present.
Pain is marked as the fifth vital sign and affects each person differently. Around 80% of patients coming to Pain Clinic, PGIMER, Chandigarh suffers from Neuropathic Pain of various types ranging from head to toes such as radicular pain, diabetic painful neuropathy, Trigeminal neuralgia, post herpetic neuralgia, cancer pain, nerve pressure or nerve damage after surgery or trauma, post viral infections, alcoholism, multiple sclerosis etc etc. Management of Neuropathic Pain is quite challenging as it is very difficulty to treat and involves multifactorial assessment and multidisciplinary involvement of many approaches like physical therapy, medicines, minimally invasive interventions, advance interventions, spinal cord stimulation, and psychosocial interventions.
In view of this, the Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, PGIMER, Chandigarh has organized an symposium on “Neuropathic Pain” in collaboration with Visiting Professor, Dr Sanjeeva Gupta (Consultant in Pain Medicine and Anaesthesia, Bradford Hospital NHS Trust, Bradford, UK) and Dr Joysree Subramaniam (Consultant, Oklahoma University of Health Sciences Centre, Oklahoma, USA) under the aegis of Indian Society of Study of Pain, Chandigarh. The symposium was organised today,ie 1st February 2023 (Wednesday) in Lecture Theatre-1 from 3.00 PM- 7.00 PM.
Dr Sanjeeva Gupta, an PGI alumni and a renowned pain physician, discussed about evidence based management of Neuropathic Pain. He has expertise in assessing and managing pain originating from the spine, chronic postoperative pain and neuropathic pain. He is also expert in precision pain diagnosis and management, which has enhanced the knowledge of delegates in the interest of patient care. Dr Joysree Subramaniam another PGI alumni, is an American Board of Anaesthesiology certified Pain specialist. Her areas of interest include advance techniques and stem cell therapies for pain management. She has discussed recent advances in management of patients with refractory neuropathic pain.
A MoU has been signed between PRF (pain relief foundation) - Liverpool UK and Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care PGIMER Chandigarh for collaboration in four domains - academic, clinical, research and quality improvement

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